Whether you lose your job or experience a sudden health crisis, you could face financial problems that interfere with your ability to pay child support for different reasons. However, you need to understand that if you fall behind on child support, serious consequences could come up.
It is crucial to go over the penalties for missing child support in this state as well as your options. For example, you might have the chance to modify your child support order and make monthly payments more compatible with your finances.
Child support enforcement in North Carolina
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services covers the penalties that you could face if you do not pay child support. The state could place a levy on your bank account, revoke your driver’s license or professional license and place a lien on your property. You could lose your tax refund, become reported to credit bureaus and lose the ability to receive a U.S. passport.
Furthermore, you could face the possibility of spending time behind bars.
Strategies to stay current on child support
If you worry about your ability to make child support payments on time, go over different strategies to stay caught up. For example, you might have the opportunity to modify your child support order. Setting up a payment plan could help, and making changes with regard to your spending habits could also prove beneficial.
Review your options carefully and do everything in your power to avoid falling behind on child support to avoid these harsh penalties.