Whether you lose your job or experience a sudden health crisis, you could face financial problems that interfere with your ability to pay child support for different reasons. However, you need to understand that if you fall behind on child support, serious...
Avoid these common mistakes in your North Carolina divorce
Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing process, but with careful planning and consideration, you can navigate it successfully. If you are going through a divorce in North Carolina, be aware of the two most common mistakes that people make during this...
Evaluating supervised visitation during a North Carolina divorce
Divorces are never an easy process, and adding children into the mix usually only complicates matters even more, as parents want to ensure their children are always adequately cared for by their ex-spouse. North Carolina parents going through a divorce may find...
Will you end up penniless after your divorce?
Divorce can be a frightening and stressful proposition for anyone. While you may worry about finding a new house, sleeping alone or even running into your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you also might have some money-related anxiety. According to Psychology Today, it is...